This is a plug. But before I plug, I want to mention that I’ve created a new category to cover posts I make about technology, application development, and my job. This way, anybody who isn’t interested in how lame I think all this buzz about AJAX applications is or the vagaries of remote networking from a developing nation can simply skip ahead.
So here’s the plug…for the past several months I’ve been using the W3 Schools website as a one-stop shop for quick references and examples on all manner of web-development topics. Just yesterday, I couldn’t remember the correct xsl:choose
syntax in XSLT or how to close a do while
loop in VBScript or the ASCII number for # (it’s 35, by the way) and I was able to find all my answers here. So far as basics go, it seems that in the few cases when they don’t have an comprehensive reference, it’s because they link to a better source elsewhere. The layout, organization, and navigation are sensible and, unlike other dev sites that make their revenue through ads, they don’t stick banners in the middle of their articles and entries.
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