Between Hurricane Wilma, the outcome of the Rove leak scandal investigation, and now the rocket attack on the Palestine Hotel in Baghdad, how is a fella supposed to know if G.W. Bush is ready to bring the noise with Syria? It’s going to be a busy news week, to be sure. So busy, in fact, I don’t think I’m even going to have time to find out who Alan Greenspan’s replacement is going to be.
In looking for more news coverage on the aforementioned Syria issue, I stumbled upon this news item about the editor of a magazine in Kabul being sentenced to two years in prison for a couple articles published in his magazine Women’s Rights. I believe one of the articles suggested that apostasy should not be a crime punishable by death and the other advocated gender-equality in punishments for adultery. The New York Times article on the subject claims that the prosecution was actually initially calling for the editor to be executed. I’m not going to be so bold and chauvinistic as to level a blanket criticism on a country trying to govern based on Islamic law, but when I read something like this about the new Afghanistan, I have to wonder: so, like, how uptight were the Taliban when they were in power?
But back to the Syrian thing…if you hear anything substantial, let me know, ok? Because I’m not ready to trust just any knuckle-head with a laptop on this one.
[UPDATE: some members of our household think I’m jumping the gun here and should hold my horses until after the UN Security Council briefing on Tuesday.]