Our first batch of house guests, namely Ray and Geoff, arrive one week from tomorrow and I am beside myself with excitement. This is the first installment of a series that will be running pretty much nonstop into October. As the premier group, Ray and Geoff will certainly have the benefit of our unvarnished enthusiasm about certain attractions. This is not to say that I’m not incredibly psyched about each and every person who is making the trek out to our little corner of the Near East.
It will be interesting to me to see how our friends and family like Beirut. My guess (and I think Amy is with me on this) is that they won’t find it as quite as strange and exotic as they are expecting, which is not necessarily a bad thing. I’m hoping that it will be judged on its own merits and not the in the context of the European simulacrum it sometimes seems to be. I’m also looking forward to showing people the country we’ve discovered (in the figurative/romantic sense) and to discover it a little more in the process.
And I now it’s about high time I divulged a little secret I’ve been holding off on…
Our mattresses. They suck.
And our pillows are nothing to write home about either.
In related visitation news, our friends Dan and Addie have been added to the role-call in recent weeks and have passage booked for September.