This weekend, being the weekend after 4th of July, was the weekend of Twin Lakes VIII. Every year, our dear friend Michael generously invites his friends to his family’s lakeside cottage in western Connecticut for a few days of relaxing, swimming, fishing, grilling, and just general hanging out and being friends. We might even drink a beer or two while we’re up there. This tradition started Thursday, July 9, 1998. That night it was just Michael, myself, a couple six-packs of Miller Highlife, a minidisc player (years before the iPod destroyed music and turned people into machines) and some mixes full of Source Direct and Photek, and a the sounds of a creature lurking in the woods that we swore was half-man, half-dog, and half-beetle. It has evolved since then to a nearly full-week event with many more attendees than the handful that first year. But the traditions remain the same: midnight canoe trips, Michael’s father John coming up on Saturday night for a bbq, me chopping wood.
This is the first year I haven’t been able to make it to Twin Lakes the weekend after 4th of July. It’s kind of melancholy, though I’m sure that the rest of the gang had a great time and I look forward to hearing the tales and seeing the pictures.
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