You Should See My New House

I had totally bid a fond farewell to this page, but a couple people wanted to see photos of our new house, so I figured this was the best place for such a thing. This is our temporary rental solution till we can figure out how to buy one of our own.

This is what it looks like from the street.

The living room w/ Amy’s little computer area.

Amy populating said area.

The living room as viewed from the other side.

Our nascent wine collection. There’s another case in my bedroom closet, in case of emergencies. I have some hectic mornings.

The back patio. I have a brand-new bbq grill that I haven’t gotten around to putting together yet, but when I do…man, it’s gonna be sweet.

My new home office. I’m very happy with it.

A little corner of my office.

And that, as they say, is that.

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