Monthly Archives: October 2005
Got Any Grapes?
This is probably my favorite joke of all time. It was told to me by friend Todd like 6 or 7 years ago. A duck walks into a bar. He waddles up to the bartender and asks, “Got any grapes?” … Continue reading
Two Weeks Without You And I Still Haven’t Gotten Over You Yet
Friday night, Amy and I babysat for our friends Matthew and MaryAnn. It was nice to hear that they may be moving to our neck of the woods (Hamra) soon. Afterwards we met up with Carrie at Yabani for good … Continue reading
Glossary, Part 1
[ I just want to mention that as I started typing this, a dove flew through the open sliding glass door and into our dining room. I got it to leave by saying, “Hey. Could you get out of here?” … Continue reading
The Way We Get By
While I couldn’t really claim to understand the index they’re using here, I found it interesting that that Beirut was only a couple spots behind San Francisco and way ahead of places like, say, Boston on this cost of living … Continue reading
Additions to this space have been pretty sparse for the last couple of months, though not for lack of things to write about, but rather somewhat because of them. The main thing was rushing back to the States to say … Continue reading