Category Archives: Uncategorized
To Me You Are a Work of Art
I took Friday off in what I hope will be the beginning of a pattern for the remaining 5 weeks I’m working here. To facilitate the day off, I worked until about 2am on Thursday, and then further stayed up … Continue reading
Well, I haven’t really been up to much since my last post. I worked all day yesterday, taking some breaks to read Kerry’s NYTimes opinion piece on an exit strategy for Iraq (which I unfortunately can’t find a link for), … Continue reading
Halo Welt!
Yesterday our internet went out for a couple hours. Not an event in and of itself…our internet was out tonight until a few minutes ago (there was a big storm and the television reception apparently isn’t the only thing that’s … Continue reading
Another rainy day in the ‘Rut. Again our plans of far-ranging exploration were dashed. Instead we had a quiet brunch with all the embassy people and expats at Casablanca before taking a brief, damp walk on the corniche. It’s nice … Continue reading
No New Yorker
Last week, I read an article in the Village Voice about “mutant bike clubs” in NYC and the recent defacement of Brooklyn Industries bike-themed window displays. The vandals etched “Bike Culture Not For Sale” with acid on the window glass. … Continue reading
Odds and Sods
In the interest of continuing to try to post everyday, a general accounting of the last 36 hours or so… Yesterday our friend Rudy put on a production of Antigone (or at least a portion of it) at the Lebanese … Continue reading
blue elephant
(After talking a big game about making a post every day, I dropped that ball in the second inning. I guess I’ll have to do two posts today to make up for it.) Two nights ago, Amy and I went … Continue reading
beirut.year.slice(316, 317);
The title is from a post called beirut.year.slice(304, 305); that was languishing in my WordPress drafts. I had gotten this far: I got about two hours of work done this morning before the power went out. It remained out for … Continue reading
Surveillance Glow
While walking home from the car rental office after our trip last Sunday, Amy and I saw our first traffic camera in the flesh. This may not seem like a big deal, but if you have any experience with the … Continue reading
Now We Are Older
I was supposed to be working today, Saturday, but as I was trying to put the finishing touches on my concluding Greece post, it became germane for me to include a link to a band that I used to be … Continue reading