Category Archives: Uncategorized
Monkey Magic
Earlier this evening we saw a fella driving in a smart convertible with a very familiar-looking monkey perched on the passenger-side rear-view mirror. Later, whilst at a certain “leftist den” dining on hommos, fatoush, and a kebbeh that can only … Continue reading
Jabba the Hutt has yet another victim encased in carbonite
Technical Note [to whom it may concern]
So, we finally have the mac mini and the laptop both up and running through the linksys router connected to what I can only describe as a “neighborhood LAN.” We were coming home last night and there were 2 or … Continue reading
It just wasn’t like the old days anymore…
Before we even seriously considered moving here, Hamra quickly percolated to the top of the list of areas we were interested in. It’s a reasonably diverse, though predominantly Muslim, neighborhood with all manner of little joints and crazy characters. The … Continue reading
If 6 Was 7
So I’m sitting here on the mac at about 9:20 or so in the evening reading an interview with Fat Bobby from Oneida, in which he gives a little nod to the movie that my friend Malcolm and I just … Continue reading