Sun 16 Oct 2005
Yesterday, Ethan, Carrie and I spent the afternoon at the beach. We decided to really go for it, since we don’t have that many real beach days left, so we went to Edde Sands, near Byblos/Jbeil. It’s basically a resort, with several restaurants, swimming pools, cabanas, etc. We had some foolish idea that since it is mid-October, there might be some sort of discount to get in, but no, we still had to pay $12, the weekend-in-summer price. The day was intermittently cloudy, but Ethan and I swam in the sea anyhow.
All in all, it was very relaxing, as there were few people there (and this place supposedly stays open 365 days a year-I have no idea who pays $12 to sit on the beach in the middle of the rainy season). We all took naps after having stayed out late at a dance club called Basement which Ethan actually likes. Yes, Ethan likes a dance club.
Then we went to a mexican food restaurant for dinner that Carrie likes called El Molino .. it turned out to be better than I had ever expected to find in Lebanon. Now all we need is Thai, Texas BBQ, and Vietnamese.