fave lane

This little stretch of road is one of my favorite spots in Beirut. When I walk on it, I feel as though I’m on a little lane in the countryside, even though it’s in a very urban area. I guess it’s the empty fields and lack of tall buildings. The people at the end of the road have a great little city garden that I also love. They have some little pomegranate trees and orange trees, which are currently full of pungent orange blossoms.

Yesterday’s storm is continuing. I feel like we have regressed back to January.

I haven’t said much about the political situation here lately, maybe because it is simply too depressing. Monday brought “National Dialogue Part 5”, where it was decided that President Lahoud’s fate will be announced on April 28. There have been a few well-publicized shouting matches and it is hard to believe that consensus will be reached. Then again, with over 3 weeks worth of back room deals to be made, who knows how far they can go?