Fri 3 Mar 2006
This week has been fairly mellow and uneventful for me, which is not a bad thing. I’ve been reading a lot and spending time on the Corniche most days. A friend came over and cooked us dinner, which was quite nice.
Last night, we went to a Spanish restaurant with three friends. Solea turned out to be a nice place and we ate in the lovely garden in back. One of those at the dinner was a journalist who spends most of the year in Iraq, so he had plenty of recent stories. He thinks Iraq might be an okay place to be in 8-10 years. Sigh.
Afterward, most of the group went to Torino for a beer or two.
Currently, there is a series of high level meetings taking place to try to resolve many of the political differences that threaten the peace here. Being discussed are the future of Lahoud’s presidency, whether or not Hezbollah can remain armed, and of course issues to do with the Hariri investigation. Most people don’t think that anything is really going to be resolved, but it might at least temporarily calm things a bit. Apparently, the whole downtown area where the meetings are taking place has been forced to close down for security reasons, but I haven’t been over there to look.
Tomorrow morning, Ethan and I and a couple of friends are renting a car and driving to the mountains, probably Faraya and nearby. The aim is to get out of town and play in some snow. Originally, Ethan and I planned to ski, but once we started calculating how much it would cost us (especially since I have never skied in my life and would have to take lessons), we decided not to do it.
March 5th, 2006 at 12:59 pm
I love your blog. You take great pictures and you have a very nice way of describing things to people who don’t know the country.
There’s one thing you didn’t talk about though and that I am so curious about: what brought you to Lebanon in the first place?
March 7th, 2006 at 12:21 am
You’ve got a nice blog. I just wanted to let you know that i added it to the blog list. Your posts will show on the Away from politics page.
March 7th, 2006 at 11:33 am
Calli .. that is a fantastic compliment .. not only because I presume you are Lebanese, but because the whole aim of this journal is to communicate with friends and family back home, to let them know what I am experiencing.
We came to Lebanon because we wanted to spend a year overseas. Beirut fit our criteria — a place that we had both visited and loved, it was different enough from home, but still comfortable, etc.
However, I am going to email you– I took a peek at your blog and it seems that you are living in Austin, TX — not only is this my hometown, it is where we are moving in June.
Chief- thanks .. I am glad that you like it.