corn seller on the corniche

Like Ethan, I am vowing to get better about updating this for the next 55 days, even if I have little to say.

The above photo is of a particularly elaborate corn seller’s cart down on the corniche. We met some travelers recently who complained about the corniche, saying there weren’t any cafes (not entirely true) and that they couldn’t relate to a big slab of concrete where there is nothing to do but walk. They seemed to be saying that it was a waste of waterfront. I should have said so, but I don’t really agree. I love the corniche. I love that it belongs to everyone. It’s okay if you don’t have money to spend in a cafe- you just bring your plasic chair, your argileh pipe, and your family, and pass hours socializing and enjoying the Mediterranean Sea. It’s absolutely my favorite people watching spot and Sundays are my favorite. It’s when seemingly everyone comes to walk, visit, and relax.