Sat 11 Feb 2006
I actually took these photos on Thursday, but just got around to putting them up. There was a big storm on Wednesday, with lots of wind, thunder, and hail. The storms here can be quite fantastic. Anyhow, I guess these waves aren’t huge, but compared to how docile the Med usually seems, I was impressed. It have really enjoyed living near the ocean, which I have never experienced before (taking the subway to Coney Island 3 times a year doesn’t count). It’s as if you have this whole other weather gauge and presence that is some how different every day. I’ll be landlocked again soon, which I don’t really mind, but it’s nice to think of having 3 more months of being near the sea.
February 14th, 2006 at 2:46 am
what magnificent pictures, amy. i want to live by the sea…..