The Shi’a holiday, Ashura, has been partially appropriated for another cartoon protest here in Beirut. According to news reports, there are at least 250,000 gathered. Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah, is giving a fiery speech supposedly focusing on the Mohammed cartoons (I am watching it on TV) and the crowd looks massive.

Ashura is the commemoration of the killing of Hussein ibn Ali at Kerbala in the 7th century, which led to the Sunni-Shi’a split. Self-flagellation and bloodletting are engaged in by some on this day. Usually, it is just symbolic chest beating in order to emulate the suffering of Hussein, but some actually cut their foreheads open. On a day like today, maybe standing out in the driving wind and rain is enough suffering for some.

And if I change the channel, I can see the Maronite Patriarch giving a religious performance of some kind. Today is the feast day of St. Maron, the founder of the Maronite church (also) in the 7th century.