danish embassy

repairs to church

Yesterday, I wandered over to Achrafiyeh and looked around. It seemed very quiet out, though a lot of people were slowing in their cars as they passed the embassy in order to have a look. According to news reports, the embassy itself sustained no damage- it was really only the first 3 floors that were gutted. $18 million in damage and whole (Lebanese) businesses wiped out.

I watched some men repair the gate to a Greek Orthodox church; I think the cross which topped it had been torn down and the guard booth next to it had been smashed and battered. I read a lot of blogs written by people here in Lebanon. The writers were universally horrified, and several of them claimed to have gone out to buy Danish products.

In case anyone is interested, I found this site which shows many instances of Mohammed depicted in art throughout the ages. I think it goes without saying that much of the current uproar has little to do with the cartoons themselves.