danish flag in aleppo

So things have really gotten out of hand with regard to these Mohammed caricatures. Since my last post, the Danish embassies in both Damascus and Beirut were destroyed, or at least heavily damaged. I find it upsetting that some churches and other property in Achrafiyeh, a mostly Christian neighborhood where the embassy is located, were also vandalized. I think it is safe to say that Lebanon is in trouble- the level of sectarianism here is nauseating and sad. The fact that most of the violence yesterday in Beirut was committed by extremists (many not actually Lebanese, apparently) doesn’t really matter. There are plenty of extremists on both sides, and this is how all of the many sane, rational people – who want the best for the country and its people – get dragged in.

The photo above was taken this weekend in Aleppo – a Danish flag to stomp on. We did have a really nice weekend- lots of delicious food and wandering around. I will post more photos very soon.